Tag Archives: bargaining

FB bargaining: PSAC serves notice to bargain, prepares for bargaining conference


PSAC has taken the first step to begin the next round of negotiations for more than 8,500 PSAC-CIU members in the FB group by serving Treasury Board with notice to bargain.

After issuing an input call for bargaining demands, the union received over 1,000 proposals from PSAC-CIU members working for the Canada Border Servies Agency (CBSA). Next month, members from every Customs and Immigration Union branch across Canada will meet in person at our national bargaining conference in Ottawa, from March 31 to April 2, to elect a bargaining team and discuss priorities for a new round of bargaining. Our initial bargaining dates will be determined soon after.

The unprecedented mobilization by FB members during our last round of bargaining was critical in securing important gains — including better protections against excessive discipline, a streamlined grievance process, and additional improvements in line with what other Canadian law enforcement agencies provide. PSAC-CIU is committed to continuing to build on these gains.

Throughout the pandemic, PSAC-CIU members at CBSA have gone above and beyond to serve Canadians and protect our borders. It’s time for the employer to recognize that dedication and hard work by making the CBSA a better and safer place to work.

Stay in touch

Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date via the member portal to receive all the latest updates as we negotiate your next contract.

If you have any questions, please contact your CIU branch president or PSAC regional office.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

REMINDER: FB bargaining conference: Members of equity groups, women and young workers encouraged to apply

Photo of BSO with the words "Bargaining: FB Group"

PSAC-CIU members who self-identify in one of the groups listed below are encouraged to apply to attend the FB National Bargaining Conference before the February 4 deadline.

Eligible groups:

  • Indigenous
  • Racially visible
  • LGBTQ2+
  • Member with disability
  • Woman
  • Young worker (aged 35 or younger)

Bargaining conferences bring together members to discuss and prioritize the issues that will be negotiated during the upcoming round of collective bargaining. Participation of all groups is critical to ensure important equity issues are represented at the bargaining table.

How to apply

As established in Regulation 15, Section 3.3.3, delegates chosen to attend the bargaining conference must:

  • be members of the bargaining unit;
  • be dedicated union activists, engaged in union activities and committed to union principles, including social justice and human rights.

Please submit your application via the PSAC website before February 4 at 11:59 EST to be considered.

Note: Applying does not guarantee a delegate seat at the bargaining conference.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

UPDATED: Bargaining demands Input Call for Border Services (FB) — Deadline extended to January 28


The Public Service Alliance of Canada will soon be approaching the employer to begin negotiations for the renewal of the collective agreement.

During the last round of bargaining, PSAC-CIU achieved important gains at the bargaining table thanks to sustained member engagement. To ensure success this next round, it’s critical that members participate in the process by submitting their bargaining proposals.

Members of the bargaining unit are encouraged to fill out the online form to provide the improvements and changes they would like to see made to the collective agreement.

This form will be open for input until January 28, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. (EST). Members will be prompted to login to access the form.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

Common Issues bargaining: All workers deserve fair wages

Image conversation PSAC AFPC

The cost of living is rising quickly across Canada, and PSAC members — and workers across the country — risk being left behind if we don’t negotiate wages that keep up with inflation. That’s why our common issues bargaining team is pushing for fair wage increases that keep up with rising costs for more than 110,000 PSAC members.

The team met with Treasury Board December 13-15.

Already this year, it costs you 20 per cent more to feed your family than it used to, and the price of essentials we rely on every day is outpacing wages. Grocery bills are set to rise by $966 for a typical family of four next year — the highest increase in 12 years. The price of fuel, hydro and natural gas are on the rise too, with some households paying as much as 20 per cent more to heat their homes this winter.

Inflation is expected to remain high for the next few years, but wages haven’t budged, and our actual purchasing power is quickly shrinking. Now more than ever, we need fair wages, good working conditions and inclusive workplaces — not just for PSAC members, but for all workers.

As Canada’s largest employer, the federal government needs to lead by example and show they’ll be here for everyone — setting the bar with wage increases that don’t leave workers behind. Otherwise, the government risks losing talented and dedicated workers to employers who recognize that in a challenging labour market with soaring inflation, workers deserve better.

PSAC members got us through the pandemic by going above and beyond for Canadians, delivering the services and benefits that millions of people depended on. Failing to increase wages to meet the rapidly rising costs of living would amount to a pay cut for our members that have been here for Canadians when we needed them most.

New provisions to enhance job security

Our common issues bargaining team also discussed new proposals regarding job security. These negotiations come at a critical moment, as the current period of economic uncertainty emphasizes the need for a fairer workforce adjustment (WFA) process.

Workforce adjustment is a situation where the employer decides that the services of one or more indeterminate employees will no longer be needed because of a lack of work, the discontinuance of a function, the relocation of jobs, the closure of an office or work location, or contracting out.

The current WFA process threatens more employees with potential displacement than necessary and forces workers to re-interview for their own jobs, resulting in serious stress and other mental health impacts on affected members.

Our new WFA proposal would ensure a fair and transparent process. It opposes all forms of precarious employment and makes sure all members have timely access to indeterminate employment. We’re also asking the employer to recognize the reality of the changing workplace by offering more opportunities for employment through remote work.

Show your support

Member support throughout the bargaining process is critical to our success. Show your support by using our virtual background for all your video meetings and calls, applying the social media frame to your profile photo, or printing the poster to display in your work area.

Upcoming bargaining dates

The bargaining team meets with the employer again February 1–3, 2022.

Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date via the member portal to receive all the latest updates as we negotiate your next contract.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

PSAC-CIU members ratify new agreement with CBSA

CIU flag with the words "FB Agreement Ratified"

PSAC-CIU members in the Border Services (FB) bargaining unit have voted overwhelmingly in favour of the tentative agreement with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). The FB group represents over 8,500 CBSA employees who have been on the front lines of the pandemic since day one, protecting our borders and keeping Canadians safe.

The new contract is a four-year agreement from 2018-2022 with a total increase in wages of over 8%. The deal includes better protections against excessive discipline in the workplace, a commitment to tackle workplace culture problems, and improvements to leave and other allowances. It also addresses the long-standing issue of meal period compensation for uniformed officers.

“This agreement is a testament to the incredible hard work and dedication of our bargaining team who worked around the clock to reach a deal,” said Chris Aylward, PSAC national president. “We also couldn’t have done it without the tremendous support and solidarity of our members.”

“Finally – after three years of negotiations – we’ve resolved longstanding issues that will go a long way towards making CBSA a better, safer place to work for our members,” said Mark Weber, CIU national president. “Every action our members took on, and leading up to, our August 6 day of action made this possible. We can all be proud of what we achieved together.”

Next Steps

In the coming weeks, PSAC will meet with Treasury Board and CBSA representatives to sign the new collective agreement. Apart from wage increases, which are retroactive, new contract terms come into effect on the date of signing.

CBSA has 180 days from the date of signing the new collective agreement to implement the new pay rates, provide retro pay for the time elapsed since the expiry of the previous agreement, and provide $500 to all FB members as a penalty for extended implementation timelines.

PSAC-CIU will update FB members when once the collective agreement is signed. Please keep your contact information up to date via the member portal to get the latest news. If you have any other questions, please contact your CIU branch president or your PSAC regional office.

This article has also been posted on the PSAC website.