Tag Archives: mediation

FB bargaining: Parties move to mediation, dates scheduled in June


As mobilization at worksites across the country continues, the FB bargaining team will continue to push back against concessions and fight for fair wages and better working conditions. Mediation sessions have been scheduled starting on June 3.

The bargaining team is determined to win a fair agreement that includes fair wages, access to telework for non-uniformed members, stronger job protections, protections from contracting out, and equitable retirement benefits.

Treasury Board and CBSA are feeling the pressure

Everything you do in the workplace – no matter how big or small – to show the employer you support our bargaining team makes a difference as we push for a fair contract.

You have the right to wear union materials on the job

This is confirmed by two Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board decisions. You also have the right to be kept informed and take action during non-work time, before or after shifts and during paid and unpaid breaks and lunch periods.

Wearing baseball caps, nametags, or lanyards shows managers you support our bargaining demands and – after two years without a collective agreement – are prepared to take job action to reach a fair deal. Every action is reported up the chain and pushes CBSA to come to the table with a fair offer.

Public Interest Commission hearings complete

PSAC made a presentation to the Public Interest Commission (PIC) on April 10 and pushed back against employer concessions on April 22. In the coming weeks, the PIC board will provide a non-binding recommendation to reach an agreement.  While federal legislation provides for the PIC to issue its recommendation within 30 days of the hearing, the chair may extend that timeline.

PSAC will be in a legal position to take strike action seven days after receiving the report, if a strike mandate is received from the membership.

PSAC to pursue legal action over telework mandate

Telework is currently a critical issue at the table. Any changes to your terms and conditions of work while in bargaining directly undermines collective bargaining rights. In response to the announcement last week, PSAC has filed an unfair labour practice complaint.

Strike vote ongoing

PSAC and CIU continue to hold a nationwide strike vote for the FB group April 10 to May 15. It’s time to show CBSA that we are prepared to take job action to reach a fair deal.

Be sure to keep your contact information up to date to receive all the latest updates. If you have any questions, please contact your Customs and Immigration Union branch president or visit the CIU and PSAC websites.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

TB bargaining: PSAC heads into mediation for PA group and common issues


PSAC’s bargaining team representing 90,000 federal public service workers in the Program & Administrative Services (PA) unit has agreed to mediation on January 16 and 17.

The session is being convened by the Public Interest Commission (PIC) and will cover both common issues as well as those specific to the PA unit (information for the other Treasury Board units will be forthcoming).

PSAC and the government presented their respective bargaining positions at a PIC hearing on December 4-7.

PSAC will provide an update on the mediation session once it is complete.

What is a Public Interest Commission (PIC)?

Under the law that governs contract negotiations in the federal public service, once impasse is reached at the bargaining table, a PIC is established to help the parties reach an agreement.

The PIC is a panel of three people – a chairperson appointed by the Labour Board and nominees appointed by the union and management. The union and the employer submit briefs and explain their positions on the outstanding issues at a hearing with the PIC. The PIC chairperson also has the option of convening additional talks. The PIC then issues a report with recommendations for settlement. The recommendations are not binding.

Once the PIC releases its report, the union’s bargaining team will meet to discuss the recommendations. Traditionally, following this, PSAC and government representatives have returned to the table to resume negotiations. We expect the PIC reports to be issued in 2020.

The original version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

Treasury Board Bargaining: Employer Agrees to Mediation

Bargaining mediation

PSAC and the Employer returned to extended negotiations from November 1 to November 9, after the Liberal government promised to bring a new mandate to the table. At the end of that bargaining session, PSAC requested mediation. On November 29, PSAC received confirmation that the government had agreed to this mediation.

Dec. 5 update: The Common Issues committee and PA bargaining team will resume negotiations with Treasury Board, with the assistance of a mediator, the week of December 12.

More information will be provided once it becomes available.

A version of this article was originally published on the PSAC website

Treasury Board Bargaining: PSAC Requests Mediation


Contract negotiations have been ongoing for 10 days. While some progress has been achieved, there are still important issues of fairness and improving public services for Canadians that are yet to be resolved. PSAC has requested that a mediator be appointed and that talks resume within two weeks.

PSAC and the Employer returned to extended negotiations from November 1-9, after the Liberal government promised to bring a new mandate to the table. “We’ve gone as far as we can. This government promised to respect public service workers and restore the integrity of the public services Canadians rely on. They have not yet delivered on that promise,” said Robyn Benson, PSAC National President.

A version of this article was originally published on the PSAC website