Tag Archives: PA

National Bargaining Conference – PA, SV, TC and EB bargaining units

CIU flag with the word bargaining

The National Bargaining Conference for the PA, SV, TC and EB bargaining units will take place from April 26 to 30, 2021. The event will be virtual.

The above-noted collective agreements will expire between June and August 2021 and the PSAC anticipates serving notice to bargain in the spring and early summer of 2021. The PSAC Centre has informed CIU that it is entitled to six (6) delegates to the national conference from amongst the different Occupational Groups represented by CIU. Delegate entitlement is broken down as follows:

  • CIU is entitled to three (3) delegates for the Program Administration (PA) Bargaining Unit which includes: AS, CM, CR, DA, IS, OE, PM, ST, and WP Occupational Groups;
  • CIU is also entitled to one (1) delegate (from the membership at large) from each of the following Bargaining Units: SV (incl. FR, GL, GS, HP, HS, LI, PR(S), SC), TC (incl. DD, EG, GT, PI, PY, TI) and EB (incl. ED, EU, LS)

Branches are asked to submit, via their Branch President, the names of candidates they wish to be considered for these conference delegate spots. The candidates must be members of the bargaining unit, must hold a Union Office (including shop steward), and will otherwise be committed and engaged in the Union. Branch Presidents are asked to send candidate names and their full contact information to joey.dunphy@ciu-sdi.ca no later than Friday, February 19, 2021.

Source: National Office Memorandum NO-12-2020 from Joey Dunphy, 3rd CIU National Vice-President, and VP Responsible for Collective Bargaining.

PA, EB, SV, & TC groups bargaining survey: You can shape the future of work in the public service

PSAC banner illustrating a conversation

The pandemic has radically changed the way many PSAC members work. We have experienced the challenges of working remotely from home; the impact of technological changes;  the effect of an uncertain economy on job security; and the major inequalities that remain for women, racialized workers, and many other marginalized groups. These are some of the key issues that can be addressed in the next round of bargaining that begins this summer.

This next round of talks will be all about the future of work in the federal public service and you can help decide what your union bargaining team brings to the table.

Take 15 minutes to fill out our survey to make sure we address your workplace concerns at the table. Your input is essential. We need to hear directly from you about what has changed over the last year. And we need to know more about you so that we can make the case for a contract that equitably addresses our members’ diverse needs.

Your participation in this survey and the broader bargaining process is key to our success in the next round of talks.

The survey is for members in the Program and Administrative Services (PA), Technical Services (TC), Operational Services (SV) and Education and Library Science (EB) groups. It will be open until February 25, 2021.

We are also still accepting your specific proposals for improving your next contract until January 31. Your component union and PSAC will review your proposals and they, along with the survey’s results, will be discussed at a bargaining conference of member delegates from across the country who will decide the bargaining priorities.

The current collective agreements expire on the following dates:

PA: June 20, 2021
TC: June 21, 2021
SV: August 4, 2021
EB: June 30, 2021

Please keep your contact information up to date via the member portal to receive more updates as we prepare to negotiate your next contract.

The original version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

PSAC and Treasury Board sign PA, TC and Phoenix deals

Photo of CIU flag

PSAC and Treasury Board today signed new collective agreements for the Program and Administrative (PA) and Technical Services (TC) groups that were ratified by members on September 29. The two bargaining units account for over 80,000 federal public service workers. PSAC and Treasury Board also signed the Phoenix damages agreement reached this summer.

Separately, the parties signed the protocol agreement on the negotiation of working conditions for civilian members in the RCMP who are slated to be deemed into PSAC bargaining units.

Please see the following page on the PSAC website for more detailed information.

PA, TC, and EB members ratify new agreements with Treasury Board

Photo of CIU flag

A majority of PSAC members in the Program and Administrative (PA), Technical Services (TC), Education and Library Science (EB), and PSAC-UTE (CRA) bargaining units have voted in favour of their respective tentative agreements. The four units represent nearly 110,000 federal public service workers who have gone above and beyond to support Canadians during this pandemic.

The new collective agreements for the PA, TC and EB groups cover the 2018-2021 period, while the new PSAC-UTE collective agreement covers the 2016-2021 period. All agreements provide for fair wages, no concessions and improved working conditions.

“I am proud of the elected members of our bargaining teams for their unwavering dedication during this round of talks,” said Chris Aylward, PSAC National President. “Thanks to their hard work and the solidarity shown by thousands of members across the country, we were able to negotiate a fair deal. We’re now in a strong position to build on these improvements in the next round of bargaining.”

Next Steps

In the coming weeks, PSAC will meet with Treasury Board and CRA representatives to sign the new collective agreements. With the exception of monetary provisions, which are retroactive, new contract terms come into effect on the date of signing.

Both employers have 180 days from the signing of the contracts to implement wage increases, wage adjustments and allowances. As explained in the ratification kits, in view of this extended implementation timeline, PSAC negotiated a $500 lump sum payment into all contracts.

PSAC will update members when contracts are signed. Please keep your contact information up to date via the PSAC member portal.

SV group, Parks, CFIA and FB group

Members in the Operational Services (SV) group have until October 5 to vote on their new contract while those in the Parks and CFIA units will vote between October 5 and November 4.

Members in the Border Services (FB) unit are still in talks.

The original version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.