Tag Archives: retraite

The fight for equitable retirement benefits for FB members


PSAC and the Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) have been advocating for over a decade for equitable retirement benefits for CBSA law enforcement personnel working at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). In the last round of bargaining, FB members won a commitment from Treasury Board to support this – it’s time the government follows through.

Almost all law enforcement and public safety workers — both provincially and municipally — receive “25 and out” early retirement benefits, with very few exceptions. This includes firefighters, air traffic controllers, RCMP constables, operational employees of the Correctional Service of Canada, and more.

Allowing CBSA law enforcement officers to access the same early retirement benefits would allow our members to retire with dignity after 25 years of service, without any penalties.

CBSA law enforcement personnel work in demanding and physically challenging roles, and face similar physical demands and risks, yet are not afforded the same retirement benefits as their counterparts in other law enforcement agencies.

Instead, many older employees are given limited duties as they near retirement, as firearm and use of force certification become more difficult.

Without the prospect of fair retirement benefits, it can be challenging for CBSA to attract and retain talented workers at a time when the agency is already short-staffed.

It’s time the Treasury Board did the right thing and implemented pension reform.

Providing equitable and early retirement benefits will not only improve the overall well-being and job satisfaction of PSAC-CIU members working at CBSA, but also ensure a sustainable workforce by improving recruitment and retention.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

How to request the Phoenix damages settlement for retired or former employees

Fix Phoenix Pay System Logo

It has been brought to our attention that some retired or former PSAC members have been misdirected to fill out a form titled Claim for general compensation for former employees: Payment equivalent to additional leave to request their portion of the Phoenix damages settlement.

This is not the correct form to request PSAC’s Phoenix settlement of up to $2500.

This form is to request the financial equivalent of up to 5 days of leave, which was the settlement signed by all other federal bargaining agents, except PSAC.

Retired or former PSAC members who meet the eligibility criteria will receive financial compensation for Phoenix damages for each fiscal year for which they are eligible.

To receive compensation, retired or former employees will have to file a similar claim through Treasury Board. However, the details and the link to the claim form have not been made available by the federal government yet. We will share the link to the form once it becomes available.

Looking for more information on the Phoenix damages settlement? Check out our most frequently asked questions. Please keep your contact information up to date via the member portal to continue receiving information about the Phoenix settlement.

The original version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

National Board of Directors Meeting: CIU Highlights the Importance of “25 & Out”

NBoD 2016 Group Photo

During last week’s National Board of Directors meeting in Ottawa, CIU reiterated its commitment to push for a ’25 & Out’ agreement at the bargaining table. The union also elaborated on its plans to implement the resolution that was carried at the 2015 PSAC National Triennial Convention wherein members who are required to carry a firearm will be provided with independent legal counsel 24/7 in the event that they are involved with discharging their firearm. Members can expect to receive information related to this CIU/PSAC initiative in June 2016.

CIU is also planning to add new features to its national website, including information on Variable Shift Schedule Arrangements in order to facilitate the implementation of such arrangements for the different branches.