Tag Archives: SV

CIU funds top-up strike pay for its PA, SV, TC and EB members

At its September 2022 meeting, in Ottawa, the CIU National Board of Directors passed a motion to establish an additional strike fund to better support CIU PA, SV, TC and EB members during this current round of bargaining.

The fund would allow CIU members in good standing who are part of these groups, and who participate in strike activities, to access an additional $50 per strike day, on top of the existing $75/day provided by the Public Service Alliance of Canada.

This is similar to the additional strike pay that the 2021 CIU Triennial Convention had created for FB members for that table’s previous round of bargaining.

This decision by the CIU National Board of Directors comes as PA, SV, TC and EB members await the result of a Public Interest Commission, which could set the stage for possible strike action.

The CIU Board of Directors is hopeful that, should strike actions prove necessary, this display of solidarity across tables will help ensure that the membership is successful, that Treasury Board bargaining groups have the resources they need to win the fight for a fair agreement, and that the employer knows we’re ready to fight as one.

For any questions regarding this top-up strike pay, please contact your Branch President.

TB Bargaining: Proceeding to Public Interest Commission

PSAC’s fight for a fair deal is progressing as a federal labour board last week moved to establish a Public Interest Commission (PIC) to help advance negotiations for 120,000 PSAC members.

The Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Board called for the establishment of a PIC for the EB, PA, SV, and TC bargaining tables last week to help PSAC and Treasury Board reach an agreement.

This follows on the heels of PSAC declaring impasse in May after months of Treasury Board stalling in negotiations, culminating in Treasury Board’s insulting wage offer that’s completely out of touch with soaring rates of inflation. This in addition to proposals for further concessions left PSAC no choice but to declare impasse.

During the PIC process, PSAC will continue to fight for a strong agreement that includes fair wages, better work-life balance, job security and inclusive workplaces. The cost of living continues to soar, so PSAC is working hard to get a fair deal quickly.

To that effect, PSAC will be lobbying members of Parliament throughout the summer months to keep the pressure on, while also holding regional events for members to get engaged at this vital time.

How does a PIC work?

Under the law that governs contract negotiations in the federal public service, a PIC is established to help the parties reach an agreement once impasse is declared at the bargaining table.

The PIC is a panel of three people — a chairperson appointed by the Labour Board and nominees appointed by the union and the employer. Each side presents briefs to explain their positions on the outstanding issues at a hearing and the PIC issues a report with non-binding recommendations for reaching a settlement.

Once the PIC releases its report, the union will meet to discuss the recommendations at which point the parties typically return to the table to resume negotiations with the employer. While the timeline is largely dependent on availability of the three parties, we expect to receive the report at some point in the fall.

Stay informed, engaged

Your involvement as a member becomes increasingly important as negotiations advance. Here are some tools and resources to help you stay informed and engaged:

And please keep your contact information up to date via the member portal to receive all the latest bargaining updates.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

PA, EB, SV & Common issues: Bargaining updates

Image conversation PSAC AFPC

PA bargaining: Treasury Board brings remote work concessions to the table

Treasury Board started negotiations off on the wrong foot with Program and Administrative Services (PA) this round by putting problematic concessions on the table that would penalize employees who choose to work remotely.

The proposal would claw back meal-time allowances for employees who work three or more hours before or after their shift from a remote location, and diminish provisions for remote employees who are called back to work after completing their workday.

“Remote work is one of our members’ biggest priorities as we look towards more flexibility in our work after the pandemic,” said Marianne Hladun, Regional Executive Vice-President for the Prairies. “It’s incredibly frustrating Treasury Board seems intent on forcing our members to ‘pay’ for the opportunity to work remotely.”

According to the results of PSAC’s membership bargaining input survey, three out of four respondents had been mostly working remotely since the start of the pandemic. On top of that, more than 80 per cent of respondents were extremely or at least somewhat likely to want to continue working remotely.

PSAC’s proposal on remote work — submitted at the Common Issues table — aims to formalize the procedures outlined in Treasury Board’s Directive on Telework by including provisions for equipment and supplies and ensuring employees’ requests for remote work are not unreasonably denied.

More concessions for shift workers

During negotiations, Treasury Board also proposed to remove language that protects employees in the Information Services (IS) group from becoming shift workers.

In the next few weeks, the PA bargaining team will reach out to IS members for their input on the shift work proposal and how it could impact their work-life balance.

A new proposal was also tabled by the employer calling for enhanced flexibility for hours of work provisions. While the employer is selling this as increased flexibility for workers, the union views this as an opportunity to impose potentially unreasonable and demanding work schedules on employees.

Share your frustration

We need your support to send a clear message to Treasury Board before the PA bargaining team returns to the table again January 11–13, 2022.

Show the government that PA members who have faithfully served Canadians throughout the pandemic, while trying to balance work and life from home, deserve the opportunity to continue working remotely — without being penalized for it.

  • Take action by using our PA video background for all your work meetings to support your bargaining team;
  • Talk to your supervisors about how important flexible work arrangements are for you and your family and mention the concessions Treasury Board is proposing;
  • Take the time to talk to your colleagues about the concessions on the table and how they’ll impact your team;
  • Use our PA social media frame when you talk about bargaining online.

Common issues

PSAC’s Common Issues bargaining team also met with Treasury Board to discuss the key issues that impact members from every table – including wages, remote work, anti-racism, and the right to disconnect.

Check out the full common issues update for more information.

Stay in touch

Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date via the member portal to receive all the latest updates as we negotiate your next contract.

EB Group: Team proposes improvements to career development

The Education and Library Science (EB) bargaining team focused on improving education leave and career development opportunities for members during talks with  Treasury Board, November 8-10, 2021.

PSAC’s common issues bargaining team also met with Treasury Board to discuss the major issues that impact members from every table – including wages, remote work, anti-racism and the right to disconnect. Check out the full common issues update for more information.

Career Development 

The EB bargaining team’s proposal included several improvements to career development, including:

  • education leave with an allowance equal to 100% of salary
  • ability for employees to participate in professional development activities
  • strong language around approval and denial of professional development requests to ensure requests cannot be unreasonably denied and all members can fairly access career development opportunities
  • greater voice to employees in determining their professional development needs

Hours of work 

Treasury Board came to the table with a proposal on hours of work supposedly meant to improve flexibility for employees.  At first glance, the proposal raises alarm bells since it would increase the employer’s ability to propose work schedules that could be disruptive to employees such as split shifts and weekend work. However, the EB bargaining team will be thoroughly reviewing the proposed changes and preparing a response for when they return to the negotiation table in January.

Other improvements 

Treasury Board refused to respond to most of the other proposals the EB bargaining team brought to the table, since they have monetary implications. The team plans on tabling an EB-specific wage proposal in January and expects the employer to engage in more meaningful discussions.

Show your support 

Meet your bargaining team, learn why they got involved in this round of negotiations and show your support with our bargaining graphics:

Stay in touch   

Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date with the member portal to receive all the latest updates as we negotiate your next contract.

SV bargaining: Team discusses leave, travel time and health and safety

The Operational Services (SV) team pushed for several improvements to health and safety and working conditions for ship’s crew and lightkeepers during talks with Treasury Board on October 26-28.
PSAC’s common issues bargaining team also met with Treasury Board to discuss the major issues that impact members from every table – including wages, remote work, anti-racism and the right to disconnect. Check out the full common issues update for more information.

For the SV group, the team proposed several improvements including:

Ship’s crew:

  • Reimbursing parking costs paid by employees while performing their duties at sea;
  • The expansion of paid leave for family-related responsibilities by making sure no more than eight hours are deducted from leave credits if a member has to take leave for their entire shift;
  • On days where a crew change coincides with a designated paid holiday listed, both incoming and outgoing crews should be paid double time for all hours worked.
  • Sailing time: a sailing lay-day on-cycle should be no longer than 28 days.


  • Two days of travel time with pay for the journey out from and returning to the light station;
  •  Clear timelines for when the employer must respond to an employee’s vacation leave request.

All members: 

  • Increase health and safety of members by providing access to immunization and prescription medication against diseases that employees may be exposed to in the workplace. This must be provided at no additional cost to the employee.

Remote work 

Our bargaining team’s attention is focussed on issues that matter most to SV members,   but it’s clear the employer doesn’t seem to fully understand the nature of the work performed by our members. At the table, Treasury Board is pushing for concessions in exchange for the opportunity for our members to work remotely, even though these work arrangements are simply impossible for many SV members. We’ve advised the employer to come to the next round prepared to  address issues that are unique to the SV group.

The SV bargaining team returns to the table January 18-20, 2022.

Show your support 

Meet your SV bargaining team and learn why they got involved in this round of negotiations. Show support by downloading and using the virtual background for all your work meetings and swap out your social media profile picture:

Stay tuned for updates 

To ensure that you receive all the latest updates as we negotiate your next contract, verify that your contact information is up to date via the member portal.

Common issues bargaining: Wages must keep up with soaring inflation

PSAC put forward a wage proposal for more than 110,000 federal public service workers that reflects skyrocketing inflation rates across Canada.

The common issues bargaining team proposed a 4.5 per cent wage increase in each year of a three-year agreement during negotiations with Treasury Board in early November.

Inflation rates are at the highest levels seen in more than 18 years, and members deserve a wage increase that keeps up with the rising costs of food, housing, and child care — anything less is a pay cut for federal public service workers. This year, the consumer price index rose 4.7 per cent on a year-over-year basis in October, up from a 4.4 per cent increase in September.

Many employers are recognizing there is a labour shortage and are increasing salaries accordingly to recruit and retain skilled staff. As Canada’s largest employer, Treasury Board needs to take on a leadership role by providing fair wages that recognize the rising cost of living and set the bar for other Canadian employers to help Canadians recover from the pandemic.

Group specific market adjustments, allowances, and grid re-structure proposals were not part of this package and will be submitted separately by the group-specific tables.

Employer refuses to discuss remote work

Treasury Board refused PSAC’s proposal to include remote work provisions in the collective agreement because they feel the inclusion of remote work is unnecessary and language on the right to disconnect is redundant.

Members have flagged work-life balance and the ability to work remotely as key priorities for this round of bargaining. Employees should have a say in when and where they work, and we will continue to push Treasury Board to negotiate terms for remote work and the right to disconnect into our collective agreements where they will be most effective.

New proposals on bilingualism bonus, anti-oppression training, parental leave

PSAC tabled new and revised provisions within the discrimination and sexual harassment articles to ensure our members have access to a fair process. The proposal expands the definition of what is considered harassment to better protect members. It also calls for mandatory training for all employees on the topics of “anti-oppression and discrimination,” and “harassment, sexual harassment, and violence in the workplace.”

Our proposed new training provisions push the employer to appropriately recognize and promote bilingualism in the federal public service, while the proposed increase to the bilingualism bonus aims to improve what is currently offered under the National Joint Council’s Bilingualism Bonus Directive, which has been stagnant for decades.

We also proposed improvements to maternity leave without pay and parental leave without pay to increase the top-up available to employees. We hope this will allow single parents and lowerincome families to better utilize the extended parental benefits option.

Upcoming bargaining dates

The bargaining team meets with the employer again on December 14 and 15, 2021.

The Common Issues table covers  members in the Programs and Administrative Services (PA)Technical Services (TC)Operational Services (SV) and Education and Library Science (EB) bargaining units.

This content has also been posted on the PSAC website: PA, EB, SV, Common Issues

National Bargaining Conference – PA, SV, TC and EB bargaining units

CIU flag with the word bargaining

The National Bargaining Conference for the PA, SV, TC and EB bargaining units will take place from April 26 to 30, 2021. The event will be virtual.

The above-noted collective agreements will expire between June and August 2021 and the PSAC anticipates serving notice to bargain in the spring and early summer of 2021. The PSAC Centre has informed CIU that it is entitled to six (6) delegates to the national conference from amongst the different Occupational Groups represented by CIU. Delegate entitlement is broken down as follows:

  • CIU is entitled to three (3) delegates for the Program Administration (PA) Bargaining Unit which includes: AS, CM, CR, DA, IS, OE, PM, ST, and WP Occupational Groups;
  • CIU is also entitled to one (1) delegate (from the membership at large) from each of the following Bargaining Units: SV (incl. FR, GL, GS, HP, HS, LI, PR(S), SC), TC (incl. DD, EG, GT, PI, PY, TI) and EB (incl. ED, EU, LS)

Branches are asked to submit, via their Branch President, the names of candidates they wish to be considered for these conference delegate spots. The candidates must be members of the bargaining unit, must hold a Union Office (including shop steward), and will otherwise be committed and engaged in the Union. Branch Presidents are asked to send candidate names and their full contact information to joey.dunphy@ciu-sdi.ca no later than Friday, February 19, 2021.

Source: National Office Memorandum NO-12-2020 from Joey Dunphy, 3rd CIU National Vice-President, and VP Responsible for Collective Bargaining.

PA, EB, SV, & TC groups bargaining survey: You can shape the future of work in the public service

PSAC banner illustrating a conversation

The pandemic has radically changed the way many PSAC members work. We have experienced the challenges of working remotely from home; the impact of technological changes;  the effect of an uncertain economy on job security; and the major inequalities that remain for women, racialized workers, and many other marginalized groups. These are some of the key issues that can be addressed in the next round of bargaining that begins this summer.

This next round of talks will be all about the future of work in the federal public service and you can help decide what your union bargaining team brings to the table.

Take 15 minutes to fill out our survey to make sure we address your workplace concerns at the table. Your input is essential. We need to hear directly from you about what has changed over the last year. And we need to know more about you so that we can make the case for a contract that equitably addresses our members’ diverse needs.

Your participation in this survey and the broader bargaining process is key to our success in the next round of talks.

The survey is for members in the Program and Administrative Services (PA), Technical Services (TC), Operational Services (SV) and Education and Library Science (EB) groups. It will be open until February 25, 2021.

We are also still accepting your specific proposals for improving your next contract until January 31. Your component union and PSAC will review your proposals and they, along with the survey’s results, will be discussed at a bargaining conference of member delegates from across the country who will decide the bargaining priorities.

The current collective agreements expire on the following dates:

PA: June 20, 2021
TC: June 21, 2021
SV: August 4, 2021
EB: June 30, 2021

Please keep your contact information up to date via the member portal to receive more updates as we prepare to negotiate your next contract.

The original version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.