Tag Archives: Teamsters

Federal interference in rail labour dispute: A dangerous precedent indeed


The Customs and Immigration Union wishes to echo in the strongest of terms the concerns voiced by Paul Boucher, President of the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference: The August 24 decision by the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) to allow the federal government to force an end to job action for striking rail sector workers and to impose binding arbitration between the parties sets a dangerous precedent for the Canadian labour movement and the rights of workers.

By preferring to protect the economic interests of large employers, the federal government has taken a clear stance against those who Canadians rely on everyday to drive the economy safely and securely: The workers themselves.  Worse, by failing to support rail workers, the government also sends a clear signal to the industry sector as a whole that safety plays second fiddle to corporate economic concerns.

This is a dangerous precedent indeed, and Canadians should take note.

Time and again, unions have demonstrated how essential the rights to organize, mobilize, and strike are as part of a fair and just society. It is through these actions that workers can push back against employers who wish to erode working conditions and safety rules alike. CIU members themselves are well-acquainted with the importance of union mobilization as part of the negotiation process, and the recent decision to strip rail sector workers of those rights is simply shameful.

We applaud the Teamsters for remaining uncowed and for seeking to appeal the ruling, and we are proud to stand with them.

In solidarity,

Mark Weber
CIU National President

Solidarity with Teamsters Canada Rail Conference: Letter to the TCRC


Original letter sent by mail from CIU National Mark Weber to Paul Boucher, President of the TCRC, on August 21, 2024.

Dear Brother Boucher,

By threatening to lockout workers should agreements with the Teamsters not be reached at the bargaining table by August 22, both CN and CPKC are resorting to the preferred tactic of employers who would bully rather than bargain.

That rail operators would seek concessions from workers that would result in greater fatigue-related safety risks lays bare their blatant disregard for the well-being of their employees, for the safety and security of Canadians, and for our supply chain as a whole. By aggressively pushing for a lockout instead of continuing to bargain, they only confirm that profits matter above all else, regardless of consequences.

CPKC’s actions, which also aim to unilaterally change the terms of collective agreements, are particularly egregious. Your union is to be applauded for defending the rights of your members and issuing a strike notice in response.

Border services and rail operations are intrinsically linked as part of cross-border activities, and our respective members are well acquainted with each other. In the past — most recently earlier this spring when CIU was on the verge of a strike — Teamsters and the TCRC made clear their support for our members.

By way of this letter and on behalf of the CIU membership, I wish to return that offer of support to the TCRC. An injury to one is an injury to all, and the Customs and Immigration Union will be proud to assist you in any way we can until agreements are reached. I invite you to contact me should you require any assistance.

In solidarity,

Mark Weber
CIU National President

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