Tag Archives: CIP

FB bargaining: Bargaining team rejects concessions at Public Interest Commission hearings as strike votes continue


Against the backdrop of a nationwide strike vote for over 9,000 members in the FB group, our bargaining team rejected concessions put forward by representatives from Treasury Board and Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) during Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearings April 22.

PSAC-CIU presented our arguments to reach a fair contract for FB members during PIC hearings April 10. FB members deserve fair wages that are aligned with other law enforcement agencies across the country, telework for non-uniformed personnel, better rights around discipline, technological change, hours of work, and equitable retirement.

Employer concessions would roll back gains for members

During the hearing, the employer argued that “compensation levels for the FB group are adequate” based on their ability to “attract and retain a substantial FB workforce.” However, this shows willful ignorance on their part because staffing shortages have created ripple effects throughout the agency as CBSA tries to fill the gaps by denying leave for workers and using untrained workers and machines to replace our members’ work.

The employer also stated that it is inappropriate to compare members of the FB bargaining unit – including Hearings, Programs, Trade, Inland Enforcement, Investigations, Intelligence and Border Services Officers – with other large law enforcement organizations such as municipal, provincial, and federal police forces. This argument doesn’t hold water considering CBSA is Canada’s second largest law enforcement agency.

Toxic workplace culture at CBSA

Treasury Board and CBSA representatives also argued that excessive discipline and management heavy-handedness is not a problem at CBSA. However, this flies in the face of what PSAC and CIU members see and hear in the workplace every day and what has been repeatedly reported in Public Service Employee Surveys. Senior management is completely out of touch with the work we do day in and day out and the toxic workplace culture at CBSA.

The employer also held on to proposed collective agreement changes that would gut our right to negotiate variable shift scheduling agreements, give managers the ability to change shift change notice from seven days to 48 hours, and add restrictions to leave without pay for the care of family.

We have worked to keep Canada’s borders secure, and we deserve to be treated with respect.

Next steps

In the coming weeks, the PIC board will provide a non-binding recommendation to reach an agreement based on the hearings.  While federal legislation provides for the PIC to issue its recommendation within 30 days of the hearing, the chair may extend that timeline.

Strike vote and mobilization continue

PSAC and CIU continue to hold a nationwide strike vote for the FB group April 10 to May 15, ramping up the pressure on CBSA in advance of the release of the PIC report. FB members will be in a legal strike position seven days after the release of the PIC report.

Be sure to keep your contact information up to date to receive all the latest updates. If you have any questions, please contact your Customs and Immigration Union branch president or visit the CIU and PSAC websites.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

FB bargaining: Team makes presentation to Public Interest Commission hearing — Download our brief


The FB bargaining team presented PSAC’s arguments for fair wages that are aligned with other law enforcement agencies across the country, stronger job security, access to telework, new protections for our jobs and equitable retirement at the first of two Public Interest Commission hearing dates April 10.

The team also made the case that there are serious problems with harassment, staffing, and recruitment and retention issues at CBSA that need to be addressed.

Next steps

The employer will present their case to the commission at the next meeting, scheduled for April 22.  The PIC board will then provide a non-binding recommendation based on the hearings.  While the legislation provides for the PIC to issue its recommendation within 30 days of the hearing, the chair may extend that timeline.

Strike vote April 10 to May 15

Our bargaining team is determined to reach a fair contract, one that protects our hard-fought gains and provides new rights and protections for over 9,000 members in the FB group. We deserve to be treated with respect.

PSAC and CIU are conducting a nationwide strike vote for the FB group April 10 to May 15, ramping up the pressure on CBSA in advance of the release of the PIC report.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

FB bargaining: Public Interest Commission dates set, mobilization escalates


The FB group will be heading to Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearings with the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board April 10 and 22, 2024.

The PIC is a panel of three people — a chairperson appointed by the Labour Board and nominees appointed by the union and the employer. Each side presents briefs to explain their positions on the outstanding issues at a hearing and the PIC issues a report with non-binding recommendations for reaching a settlement.

After impasse is declared a PIC hearing is a legislatively imposed component of the negotiations process.

Our union believes that the PIC process is not an effective means of assisting unions and employers in reaching a collective agreement and causes needless delays. The Board has the authority to permit the bypassing of this step.

PSAC made a request to the Board to skip this step so that negotiations could move forward, but the request was denied. We will continue to press for changes to the legislative process and have lobbying activities organized for the new year on the issue.

Here’s why the PIC process hurts workers

Mobilization escalates

The bargaining team will be meeting over the coming weeks to discuss mobilization and lobbying efforts in support of pension reform and a fair contract. PSAC and CIU will also continue to escalate our pressure on CBSA by launching strike and essential services training for members in the FB group. Watch for more information as we move forward.

We are determined to reach a fair contract that protects our hard-fought gains and provides retirement benefits and wage parity with the broader law enforcement community, stronger job protection, access to telework, and new rights around variable shift scheduling agreements (VSSAs) and shift scheduling.

Get involved and support bargaining 

Everything we do in the workplace to show CBSA we are paying attention to the issues and support our bargaining team – no matter how big or small – makes a difference as we push for a fair contract.

Members of the FB bargaining team are joining CIU branch executive members to visit worksites and hold membership meetings across the country.

This is your opportunity to meet the bargaining team, hear the latest bargaining update, and get materials that will let the employer know you want a good collective agreement, not concessions.

If you have any questions, please contact your CIU branch president, or visit the CIU and PSAC websites.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

FB group bargaining proceeding to Public Interest Commission to continue fight for a fair contract


The Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (FPSLREB) has appointed a Public Interest Commission (PIC) to advance negotiations for 8,500 members in the FB group.

The appointment of the PIC follows the bargaining team’s declaration of impasse after the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) refused to budge on our key issues – including retirement benefits and wage parity with the broader law enforcement community, job protection, access to telework, and new rights around VSSAs and shift scheduling.

What’s more, CBSA continues to insist on concessions at the table. This includes clawbacks that would see short shift change notices go from 7 days to 48 hours, care and nurturing leave being subjected to operational requirements, and negotiated shift schedules heavily curtailed, negatively impacting our members.

Bargaining began in June 2022 – before the contract expired – and both parties have met almost every month since. Despite this, the employer asked the labour board to deny the declaration of impasse, asking that the bargaining process be further delayed.

We are determined to reach a fair contract that protects our hard-fought gains and provides new rights and protections for PSAC-CIU members.

How does the PIC work?

Under the law that governs contract negotiations in the federal public service, a PIC is established to help the parties reach an agreement once impasse is declared at the bargaining table.

The PIC is a panel of three people — a chairperson appointed by the Labour Board and nominees appointed by the union and the employer. Each side presents briefs to explain their positions on the outstanding issues at a hearing and the PIC issues a report with non-binding recommendations for reaching a settlement.

Once the PIC releases its report, the union will meet to discuss the recommendations at which point the parties typically return to the table to resume negotiations with the employer.

What are the next steps?

The union and employer will nominate their board members and the labour board will set hearing dates. The timeline is largely dependent on availability of all three parties. We will continue to provide updates as things progress. As always, membership support will be the key to getting a fair contract.

Get involved and support bargaining

Everything we do in the workplace to show CBSA we are paying attention to the issues and support our bargaining team – no matter how big or small – makes a difference as we push for a fair contract.

Members of the FB bargaining team are teaming up with Branch Executive members to visit worksites and hold membership meetings across the country.

This is your opportunity to meet the bargaining team, hear a bargaining update, and get materials so you can show your support during this round of bargaining.

Keep your contact information up to date to receive all the latest updates. If you have any questions, please contact your Customs and Immigration Union branch president or visit the CIU and PSAC websites.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

SV group: PIC report gives little direction

PSAC has received the Public Interest Commission (PIC) report affecting more than 10,000 members in the SV group. Hearings concluded in November and unfortunately, similar to the TC PIC report, the report provides no clear direction other than a recommendation that both parties return to the bargaining table.

Read the PIC report

The report confirms what we have been saying for over a year since bargaining began in June 2021: If Treasury Board wants a deal, then they need to come to the table with a mandate that properly addresses wages and market adjustments.

Real power of bargaining is with members   

Strike votes will be conducted from February 22 to April 19, 2023 and after the conclusion of PIC reports for the EB and PA bargaining groups PSAC would be in a legal position to take strike action if the membership has voted in favour of doing so.

Register for upcoming SV group townhalls    

National virtual townhall meetings are being held for PSAC members in Treasury Board bargaining groups. Register for SV townhall meetings taking place on January 31, February 1, and February 2.

Stay informed and engaged  

Keep your contact information up to date to receive all latest bargaining updates.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.