Tag Archives: CIP

TC group: PIC report offers no guidance

A Public Interest Commission (PIC) report has been issued for the TC group following the hearing held on December 9, 2022. Unfortunately, the report provides no substantive guidance aside from recommending that the bargaining team should continue to negotiate.

Read the PIC report 

However, the federal government has refused to budge, including on an employer wage offer that would deliver a pay cut to nearly 11,000 federal public service workers in the TC group at a time of record high inflation and a looming recession.

Under the law that governs contract negotiations in the federal public service, a PIC is established to help the parties reach an agreement once impasse is declared at the bargaining table. This PIC has clearly not moved the needle with the employer and has delayed negotiation for TC group members.

We have seen the same kind of slow progress across other tables from Treasury Board since the beginning of negotiations in June 2021.

Despite recent public statements from Treasury Board, there has been no agreement to return to the bargaining table. There’s no doubt the best way to reach a fair contract is at the table. But it’s becoming clearer every day — reaching a fair agreement with this government is going to take a strong strike mandate from our members. Workers can’t wait.

Register for upcoming townhalls 

At the end of January, you will have three opportunities to meet with members, researchers and negotiators from your national bargaining team to ask questions, share your concerns, and hear about how your team is escalating actions across the country to reach a fair deal.

Your support is key to our success as we negotiate your new contract during this round of Treasury Board bargaining and continue to fight for fair wages, work-life balance, good, secure jobs and inclusive workplaces. Keep your information updated for the latest bargaining news, download our bargaining toolkit to stay informed and engaged, and sign up for strike training to be prepared.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

PA group: PIC hearings wrap up as PSAC continues to fight for remote work protections

The Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearing conducted by the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board for the PA group was held from November 28 to December 1. The bargaining team and employer both presented their positions and are now awaiting a decision from the PIC.

Our bargaining team will determine next steps once the PIC report is received. If an agreement cannot be reached during the PIC process, PSAC members should be prepared to continue escalating our actions to reach a fair contract, including taking strike action if necessary.

Stay informed and engaged

Getting involved and taking action are key as we push for a fair contract. Be prepared, get mobilized, stay engaged, and be ready to take action:

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

SV group: PIC hearings wrap up as PSAC prepares to escalate actions if necessary

The Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearing conducted by the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board for the SV group was held on November 28-30, as well as on December 8. The parties also met in mediation, but without any success. The bargaining team and employer both presented their positions and are now awaiting a decision from the PIC.

Our bargaining team will determine next steps once the PIC report is received. If an agreement cannot be reached during the PIC process, PSAC members should be prepared to continue escalating our actions to reach a fair contract, including taking strike action if necessary.

Stay informed and engaged

Getting involved and taking action are key as we push for a fair contract. Be prepared, get mobilized, stay engaged, and be ready to take action:

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

TB Bargaining: Public Interest Commission dates set

The Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board has scheduled Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearings for the EB, PA, SV, and TC groups.

The following dates have been set: 

  • EB November 21, December 12-13
  • PA November 28th to December 1st
  • SV November 28-30
  • TC December 9

Next steps 

As hearings take place, PSAC will continue to fight for an agreement that includes fair wages, better work-life balance, job security and inclusive workplaces.

Following hearings, we expect to receive a PIC report that will include non-binding recommendations for reaching agreements at the bargaining table.

Meanwhile, we’re escalating our pressure on the government by launching strike training for more than 165,000 federal public service workers at impasse with the federal government.

Sign up for strike training 

Stay informed and engaged   

Getting involved and taking action are key as we push for a fair contract. Be prepared, get mobilized, stay engaged, and be ready to take action:

Keep your contact information up to date to receive all the latest bargaining updates.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

FB bargaining team receives Public Interest Commission recommendation


PSAC-CIU received the Public Interest Commission’s report July 28 with their non-binding recommendations for reaching an agreement at the bargaining table. The report comes the day  after the union’s announcement of the FB strike vote results and puts us in a legal strike position as early as Friday, August 6.

Read the full PIC report

The report contains several important recommendations, including:

  • Opening the door for a discussion about a paid, pensionable meal period for union members;
  • Calling for paid firearm practice time and a fitness allowance for officers;
  • Recommending new protections for employees in the context of discipline;
  • Encouraging the parties to negotiate expanded seniority rights for scheduling and parameters regarding student work at CBSA;
  • Recommending language that ensures officers aren’t required to work alone, the grievance procedure is streamlined, and a negotiated increase in shift premium.

With respect to wages, the report states, “It is worth noting that the settlements for the FB group in the three previous rounds of bargaining have exceeded the core public administration pattern.”

Of significance, the recently negotiated settlement for RCMP employees was reached after the Public Interest Commission hearings took place in May and, therefore, did not form any part of the PIC deliberations.

While the report was silent about remote work for non-uniformed members, and pension reform (25 and out) is outside the PIC’s jurisdiction and therefore not addressed in the report, our team will continue to push for these improvements.

Our union and the employer have agreed to return to the bargaining table to resume talks on Thursday, July 29. The FB team is hopeful that Treasury Board and CBSA will return to the bargaining table with a renewed mandate to reach a fair agreement for PSAC-CIU members.

Make sure to keep your contact information up to date via the PSAC member portal to receive all the latest updates as we prepare to negotiate your next contract.

This article has also been posted on the PSAC website.