Tag Archives: FB

FB bargaining: Telework and shift premium top of mind for the team


Following reports of Treasury Board’s plan to unilaterally change telework agreements, the FB bargaining team used their December 13-15 bargaining dates to remind the employer that modifying working conditions without union consent while in negotiations is prohibited under federal legislation.

After talks wrapped, the federal government announced their direction for all core administration workers to return to the office 2-3 days per week by March 31, 2023. While this doesn’t impact workers at CBSA or other agencies for now, we will continue to emphasize the importance of enshrining telework in our contracts to ensure requests are not unreasonably denied. We also pointed out to the employer that this initiative demonstrates yet again that Treasury Board and CBSA have nothing but disdain for those who work for Canadians day in and day out.

We also addressed our proposals to ensure the introduction of new technology such as PIK machines, E-Gates, and ArriveCAN does not replace trained officers or put  public safety at risk. We support technological change when it supports our work, but that’s often not the case. PSAC has already filed a complaint with the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board regarding this issue.

Finally, the team raised the need for an increase to the shift premium — particularly given PSAC’s recent success negotiating increased premiums for other federal units — and discussed our proposals to streamline the grievance procedure.

We will table wage proposals at a future session once we have received payroll data from the employer.

Next steps  

The team will return to the table again in January. Read our bargaining proposals below:

Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date to receive all the latest updates about bargaining. If you have any questions, please contact your branch president or your PSAC regional office.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

FB bargaining: Telework and contracting out top of mind for team


The FB bargaining team raised several priority issues for discussion — including telework, job protections, and being assigned to work hours in another location — when they met with Treasury Board and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) September 27-29 to continue talks for a new collective agreement. 

PSAC-CIU is calling for transparency and fairness around members’ access to telework with entrenched language in the collective agreement that would guarantee those rights. Telework is here to stay at CBSA and the agreement should reflect the new reality of work.

The team also called for an end to contracting out with a proposal that indicates only unionized members are authorized to do work for CBSA. The employer has already contracted out work done by our inland enforcement members, made dramatic changes at ports of entry, and exploited the use of student workers, putting Canadians’ safety at risk and resulting in worsening wait times.

Finally, the bargaining team discussed their proposal to ensure CBSA recognizes and respects the seniority of workers who request to permanently work shifts at different ports, including ports in other regions. As is too often the case, there is currently no transparency with this process. Workers need new protections as management has proven time and time again they can’t be trusted.

PSAC-CIU files complaint with labour board 

CBSA recently made unilateral changes to our members’ working conditions, including telework, contracting out FB duties, ArriveCAN, and designated paid holidays. PSAC-CIU didn’t agree to these changes and believes they’re illegal.

As a result, PSAC-CIU filed an unfair labour practice complaint with the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board against the employer for violating its obligation to maintain working conditions and bargain in good faith.

Next steps 

Wage proposals will be submitted at a future session once the employer provides payroll data. The team will return to the table in November.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

FB bargaining: Team lays out priorities in first round of talks


The latest round of negotiations for PSAC-CIU members employed by CBSA kicked off when the FB bargaining team met with Treasury Board to exchange proposals on June 16 and 17. This followed the FB National Bargaining Conference, held in Ottawa from March 31 to April 2.

The team raised key issues this round including:

  • A commitment from Treasury Board to provide an early retirement regime comparable to other law enforcement agencies. This complements the work PSAC is doing with the Public Service Pension Advisory Committee.
  • New rights with respect to discipline and protections against forced overtime to address CBSA’s heavy handed management style.
  • Mechanisms that allow members to transfer to different ports and offices.
  • Rolling the paid meal allowance into salary and applying it to all FB members.
  • Job protections in the context of new technologies, contract workers, and student use.
  • Entrenching access to telework in the collective agreement.
  • New allowances for escort removal, dog handler, plain clothes, dry cleaning, and field coaching, as well as paid time for firearm practice.

The employer also tabled their proposals, which included reducing shift change notice from seven days to 48 hours, no weekend premium on overtime, and new restraints on access to care and nurturing leave. Management indicated they are interested in more “flexibility” for hours of work and identified “enhancing management authority” as a priority for this round of negotiations, which raises red flags for our team.

The FB bargaining team’s objective is to strengthen protections in the context of VSSAs, shift work, and hours of work for all FB members at CBSA and enhance protections against managerial authority. The team made it clear to the employer that they are looking for improvements that would make CBSA a better place to work, not concessions.

Wage proposals will be submitted at a future session once the employer provides payroll data. The team will be returning to the table in September.

Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date to receive all the latest updates about bargaining. If you have any questions, please contact your branch president or your PSAC regional office.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

FB National Bargaining Conference brings together first ever women’s caucus

FB Conference Women's Caucus

A new round of negotiations for more than 8,500 PSAC-CIU members officially kicked off at the FB National Bargaining Conference — held in Ottawa March 31 to April 2 — where delegates from every CIU branch across Canada discussed the issues that will drive the next round of bargaining.

After issuing an input call for bargaining demands in December, PSAC received over 1,300 proposals from uniformed and non-uniformed members employed by the Canada Border Services Agency. Delegates reviewed and prioritized these submissions and discussed what to expect from the bargaining process.

Key bargaining issues raised at the conference included compensation improvements, pension reform, increases to leave provisions, discipline, early retirement benefits, hours of work, discrimination and harassment, job security, union rights, work-life balance, and health and safety.

Delegates also heard from members who were active in the last round of bargaining, as well as mobilization and organizing experts, to aid them in developing strategies to build on the success of last summer’s unprecedented mobilization actions, which ultimately helped secure a deal.

The conference broke new ground with women representing nearly half of all delegates at the conference and holding its first-ever women’s caucus. There were also many young workers in attendance. Overall, the conference brought together a diverse membership with experience in a multitude of roles, including border services officers, inland enforcement, hearings and intelligence.

It was also the first time the conference was held in a hybrid format that allowed delegates to participate in person in Ottawa and virtually from home.

The newly elected FB bargaining team consists of Michael William Fraser, Marjorie Gavel, Mathieu Landry, Jacqueline Monk, Lisa Morgan, Keith Palmer, Stewart Saunderson, and Jordan Smith. PSAC negotiator Morgan Gay and research officer Darren Pacione will also return to the team.

PSAC served Treasury Board with notice to bargain in February 2022. Following the conference, our newly elected bargaining team will meet at the end of April to finalize our bargaining proposals. We expect dates to be set for the first meeting with the employer in the coming months.

Stay in touch

Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date via the member portal to receive all the latest updates as we negotiate your next contract.

If you have any questions, please contact your CIU branch president or PSAC regional office.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

FB bargaining: PSAC serves notice to bargain, prepares for bargaining conference


PSAC has taken the first step to begin the next round of negotiations for more than 8,500 PSAC-CIU members in the FB group by serving Treasury Board with notice to bargain.

After issuing an input call for bargaining demands, the union received over 1,000 proposals from PSAC-CIU members working for the Canada Border Servies Agency (CBSA). Next month, members from every Customs and Immigration Union branch across Canada will meet in person at our national bargaining conference in Ottawa, from March 31 to April 2, to elect a bargaining team and discuss priorities for a new round of bargaining. Our initial bargaining dates will be determined soon after.

The unprecedented mobilization by FB members during our last round of bargaining was critical in securing important gains — including better protections against excessive discipline, a streamlined grievance process, and additional improvements in line with what other Canadian law enforcement agencies provide. PSAC-CIU is committed to continuing to build on these gains.

Throughout the pandemic, PSAC-CIU members at CBSA have gone above and beyond to serve Canadians and protect our borders. It’s time for the employer to recognize that dedication and hard work by making the CBSA a better and safer place to work.

Stay in touch

Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date via the member portal to receive all the latest updates as we negotiate your next contract.

If you have any questions, please contact your CIU branch president or PSAC regional office.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.