Tag Archives: Health Care

Public Service Health Care Plan: Transition Update


On July 1, 2023, the federal government implemented a transfer of the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) provider from Sun Life to Canada Life, resulting in changes for more than 1 million federal public service workers, retirees and their dependents. This change was initiated and operationalized by the employer, and it is the Employer’s obligation to make the transition as seamless as possible.

PSAC is aware of some challenges associated with enrollment into the new plan and has since been told that Canada Life has added additional staff in response to the spike in call volume, and we will continue to pressure the government to improve the process for members.

Remember to enroll

If you have not yet completed your positive enrolment and have incurred expenses, they can still be claimed, however, reimbursement will not proceed until the enrollment process is complete.

How to enroll 

To qualify, members have to fill out their positive enrolment in one of two ways: online or by mail:

  • Online enrolment: Canada Life is sending an email to members who opted to receive electronic communications in their Sun Life PSHCP Member Services account. The email includes a link that is active for 30 days. After the 30-day period, Canada Life will send another email with a new link.
  • Enrolment by mail: Canada Life is sending a positive enrolment package in the mail for members who elected to receive paper-based communications from Sun Life. The package contains: a paper enrolment form, instructions on how to complete positive enrolment (including digitally), and a postage-paid return addressed envelope.

Once your enrolment is processed, members will receive a confirmation letter and a PSHCP benefit card.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

COVID-19: Changes to the Public Service Health Care Plan

Image d'un poste frontalier avec le mot "COVID-19"

Due to COVID-19, PSAC has agreed with the employer to make some temporary amendments to the Public Service Health Care Plan, which will assist members in accessing the services that they need.

These changes include:

  • Extension of the Emergency Benefit while travelling to 60 days from 40

The following changes will be made up until April 24, 2020:

  • Any member can see a social worker and it will be covered under your psychological benefit (up to the regular annual maximum)
  • You do not need a doctor’s prescription to access physiotherapy or psychological services
  • Dispensing limit for maintenance medication will allow members to get their medication sooner, if required, and potentially get a supply for more than the 100 days’ limit which currently exists.

The full set of changes and further details can be seen here.

We will continue to work on this situation and will meet with the Employer to potentially make further amendments to Plan during the pandemic.

We are also planning a full set of negotiations for the Plan in the very near future.  We will update members as those negotiations get going.

The original version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.