Tag Archives: sondage

PSAC-CIU survey: Members working at CBSA


While bargaining on behalf of members in the FB group moves forward and preparations for another round of bargaining with Treasury Board get underway for PA, TC, SV and EB units, PSAC and CIU are surveying members working at CBSA.

All members working at the Agency are encouraged to fill in this brief survey. Your answers will help guide our work on behalf of the entire PSAC-CIU membership and assist our FB bargaining team to secure a fair collective agreement.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

Survey: Review of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act

In November 2022, Treasury Board announced the creation of a task force mandated to review the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act. This Act establishes a procedure for disclosure of wrongdoings in the federal public service and outlines protections for the person reporting these issues, often referred to as a whistleblower.

As part of this review, the task force is engaging in a consultation process, including a survey.

Protecting workers who come forward to report a problem is critical to ensuring workplace safety. Therefore, PSAC is inviting all its members to complete a survey about their experiences in the workplace related to reprisals and safety in disclosure. The survey should take between 20 and 30 minutes. The deadline to answer is April 2, 2024.

Previously, PSAC presented recommendations that, if implemented, would provide better protection for whistleblowers, which would increase the likelihood that federal public service workers feel safe against reprisals in reporting wrongdoings.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

Building a better workplace and a stronger union: CIU anti-discrimination and anti-racism survey

Photo of CIU flag

At the last CIU National Convention in 2021, delegates passed three resolutions seeking to address discrimination and racism within both the union and the workplace. A component of these resolutions pertained to gathering the data necessary to work towards that goal, asking the union to engage the services of an external, independent, and labour-friendly third-party with the required expertise to help conduct such a study. Thanks to the work of the CIU Human Rights Committee, and after a comprehensive search, the union has hired Rachel Décoste and Associates to assist us in this important endeavour.

As part of our efforts to fulfill the mandates of these resolutions, a confidential and anonymous survey has been designed by Rachel Décoste and Associates to gather information from the CIU membership about their workplace and union experiences. In the next few days, CIU members can expect to receive an email sent to their personal email address from ciu-survey@WorkplaceBelonging.ca through Survey Monkey, inviting them to take this short survey (3 to 5 minutes). We strongly encourage all members to participate. Note that only the aggregate data and results will be shared with the CIU Human Rights Committee. All other information gathered will be strictly confidential and will not be made available to either CIU or CBSA.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the survey, we invite you to contact ciu-survey@WorkplaceBelonging.ca.

Thank you in advance to all members who participate in this survey for helping us build a better workplace, and a stronger, barrier-free union.