Tag Archives: SV

SV members ratify new tentative agreement

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PSAC members in the Operational Services (SV) bargaining unit have voted in favour of their tentative agreement.

The unit represents nearly 10,000 federal public service workers who have gone above and beyond to support Canadians during this pandemic.

The new collective agreement covers the 2018-2021 period and provides fair wages, no concessions and improved working conditions.

“I am proud of the elected members of our bargaining teams for their unwavering dedication during this round of talks,” said Chris Aylward, PSAC National President. “Thanks to their hard work and the solidarity shown by thousands of members across the country, we were able to negotiate a fair deal. We’re now in a strong position to build on these improvements in the next round of bargaining.”

Next Steps

In the coming weeks, PSAC will meet with Treasury Board representatives to sign the new collective agreement. With the exception of monetary provisions, which are retroactive, new contract terms come into effect on the date of signing.

The employer has 180 days from the signing of the contract to implement wage increases, wage adjustments and allowances. As explained in the ratification kits, in view of this extended implementation timeline, PSAC negotiated a $500 lump sum payment into all contracts.

PSAC will update members when the contract is signed. Please keep your contact information up to date via the PSAC member portal.

Parks, CFIA and FB group

Members in the Parks and CFIA units vote between October 5 and November 4.

Members in the Border Services (FB) unit are still in talks.

The original version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

Reminder: Cast your ballot in PA, EB, TC & SV ratification votes before September 29

image vote ratification

We are getting close to the end of the voting period to ratify the new tentative agreements for the PATCEBSV and PSAC-UTE groups. PSAC has organized ratification votes between August 24 and September 29 for PA, TC, EB and PSAC-UTE members, and from August 31 to October 5 for SV members in each PSAC region.

In order to be eligible to vote you must:

  • have received your personal identification number by e-mail or mail (your PIN is required to vote, but is not required to register and attend a webinar)
  • ensure you are a member in good standing (MIGS)
  • attend a 15-minute webinar session

If you still haven’t received your PIN, please check your junk e-mail folder and if it is not found there contact your PSAC Regional Office. If you need more information on how to participate in ratification votes, please visit our national website.

If you have not registered and attended a webinar, please do so by checking out the regional websites for dates. If you have attended a webinar and have not yet voted, please vote to have your voice heard.

The original version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

SV bargaining: Talks resume today

CIU flag with the word bargaining

Following the successful conclusion of bargaining for the PA group, the SV (Operational Services) bargaining team will be returning to the table with Treasury Board representatives on July 22.

The union is committed to making progress on the following:

  • Wage adjustments
  • Improved allowances
  • Hours of work (move from 40 to 37.5 hours per week – with no loss in total annual pay).
  • Protections against contracting out

We will not accept any concessions.

Stay tuned for updates 

PSAC will provide updates on talks as appropriate. Please ensure that you have either updated your contact information on PSAC’s member portal, or that you create an account if you have not done so already.

The original version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

PA, EB, TC and SV groups ratification kits, including the full text of the agreements, are now available [updated]

CIU flag with the word bargaining

PA Group

On July 9, PSAC’s PA bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with Treasury Board. The bargaining team unanimously recommends ratification of the new agreement.

The ratification kit which includes the full text of the tentative agreement is now available for download.

Members will soon be invited to participate in an online ratification process. Details will be shared as soon as they are available.

EB Group

On July 23, PSAC’s EB bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with Treasury Board. The bargaining team unanimously recommends ratification of the new agreement.

The ratification kit which includes the full text of the tentative agreement is now available for download.

Members will soon be invited to participate in an online ratification process. Details will be shared as soon as they are available.

TC Group

On July 21, PSAC’s TC bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with Treasury Board. The bargaining team unanimously recommends ratification of the new agreement.

The ratification kit which includes the full text of the tentative agreement is now available for download.

Members will soon be invited to participate in an online ratification process. Details will be shared as soon as they are available.

SV Group

On August 14, PSAC’s SV bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with Treasury Board. The bargaining team unanimously recommends ratification of the new agreement.

The ratification kit, which includes the full text of the tentative agreement, is now available for download.

Members now have the opportunity to participate in an online ratification process from August 31 to October 5.

The original version was first posted on the PSAC website: PA, EB, TC and SV.