Tag Archives: TC

PSAC and Treasury Board sign PA, TC and Phoenix deals

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PSAC and Treasury Board today signed new collective agreements for the Program and Administrative (PA) and Technical Services (TC) groups that were ratified by members on September 29. The two bargaining units account for over 80,000 federal public service workers. PSAC and Treasury Board also signed the Phoenix damages agreement reached this summer.

Separately, the parties signed the protocol agreement on the negotiation of working conditions for civilian members in the RCMP who are slated to be deemed into PSAC bargaining units.

Please see the following page on the PSAC website for more detailed information.

PA, TC, and EB members ratify new agreements with Treasury Board

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A majority of PSAC members in the Program and Administrative (PA), Technical Services (TC), Education and Library Science (EB), and PSAC-UTE (CRA) bargaining units have voted in favour of their respective tentative agreements. The four units represent nearly 110,000 federal public service workers who have gone above and beyond to support Canadians during this pandemic.

The new collective agreements for the PA, TC and EB groups cover the 2018-2021 period, while the new PSAC-UTE collective agreement covers the 2016-2021 period. All agreements provide for fair wages, no concessions and improved working conditions.

“I am proud of the elected members of our bargaining teams for their unwavering dedication during this round of talks,” said Chris Aylward, PSAC National President. “Thanks to their hard work and the solidarity shown by thousands of members across the country, we were able to negotiate a fair deal. We’re now in a strong position to build on these improvements in the next round of bargaining.”

Next Steps

In the coming weeks, PSAC will meet with Treasury Board and CRA representatives to sign the new collective agreements. With the exception of monetary provisions, which are retroactive, new contract terms come into effect on the date of signing.

Both employers have 180 days from the signing of the contracts to implement wage increases, wage adjustments and allowances. As explained in the ratification kits, in view of this extended implementation timeline, PSAC negotiated a $500 lump sum payment into all contracts.

PSAC will update members when contracts are signed. Please keep your contact information up to date via the PSAC member portal.

SV group, Parks, CFIA and FB group

Members in the Operational Services (SV) group have until October 5 to vote on their new contract while those in the Parks and CFIA units will vote between October 5 and November 4.

Members in the Border Services (FB) unit are still in talks.

The original version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

Reminder: Cast your ballot in PA, EB, TC & SV ratification votes before September 29

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We are getting close to the end of the voting period to ratify the new tentative agreements for the PATCEBSV and PSAC-UTE groups. PSAC has organized ratification votes between August 24 and September 29 for PA, TC, EB and PSAC-UTE members, and from August 31 to October 5 for SV members in each PSAC region.

In order to be eligible to vote you must:

  • have received your personal identification number by e-mail or mail (your PIN is required to vote, but is not required to register and attend a webinar)
  • ensure you are a member in good standing (MIGS)
  • attend a 15-minute webinar session

If you still haven’t received your PIN, please check your junk e-mail folder and if it is not found there contact your PSAC Regional Office. If you need more information on how to participate in ratification votes, please visit our national website.

If you have not registered and attended a webinar, please do so by checking out the regional websites for dates. If you have attended a webinar and have not yet voted, please vote to have your voice heard.

The original version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

TC group reaches tentative agreement

CIU flag with the word bargaining

PSAC has reached a tentative agreement that provides a fair wage increase, no concessions, and improved working conditions for the nearly 10,000 members in the TC group.

In addition to these successful talks, TC members will also be awarded a Phoenix damages settlement to compensate members for the pain and suffering caused by the broken pay system. Please read the update which provides greater detail on the general Phoenix compensation portion of the settlement, as well as the expansion of the claims process for out-of-pocket expenses and for those who suffered major losses because of Phoenix.

TC group settlement

PSAC’s bargaining team successfully secured fair wage increases averaging at 2.11% per year. TC group members would receive the following wage increases:







In addition to those wage increases, the following group-specific wage adjustments and allowances were also secured: ​

  • EG parity with CFIA: Although we were not able to achieve parity, we have secured a commitment that we can file for arbitration on this issue outside of regular bargaining.  We can do so as early as June 2021.  We feel that we have very strong arguments to make the case to achieve parity for EG members.
  • Occupational allowances for the following groups shall increase to $3,534:
    • Fishery Officers (Appendix Z)
    • Environment and Wildlife Enforcement Officers (AA)
    • Labour Affairs Officers (DD)
    • Measurement Canada Inspectors (EE)
  • Increase to allowance for Search and Rescue coordinators in a Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (CC) to $5,354; expansion of allowance to supervisors, and to qualified EG and GT hovercraft crew members
  • Expansion of allowance for Enforcement and Wildlife Officers at Environment Canada to cover GT-06 and GT-07 levels (AA)
  • Expansion of the $2,500 allowance to cover all EG and TIs working in fleet maintenance facilities (BB) including those at 202 Workshop Depot
  • Expansion of the allowance for Labour Affairs Officers to cover TI-06 levels (DD)
  • Expansion of the allowance to TI employees at the Canadian Grain Commission (EE)
  • Improvement in allowance for certain shore-based positions at the Canadian Coast Guard (W): increase of ~$2,100 to the amounts payable to the GT-06 and GT-07 level and expansion in scope.
  • Improvement to Transportation of Dangerous Goods allowance, now payable as a monthly allowance of $75 rather than a daily allowance of $3.50

Other improvements to the TC collective agreement include: ​

  • Several leave improvements including for a person who stands in place of a relative for:
    • Leave without Pay for the Care of the family
    • Bereavement Leave
    • Leave with Pay for Family-Related Responsibilities
  • An increase in meal allowance for overtime from $10 to $12
  • Improvements to travel time to pay for up to five hours compensation for any stop-overs
  • Employees in the Sea Lamprey Control Unit (Appendix I): Improvement in overtime compensation – 1.75X rate will be paid during field season
  • Increases to funding for the Joint Learning Program, including a pilot study on health and safety training
  • Memorandum of Understanding for a Joint Study on employee support mechanisms for employees who in the course of their duties are exposed to explicit and disturbing material, and/or potentially threatening situations
  • Memorandum of Understanding for Joint Review of hours of work and applicability of travel status for Fishery Officers working offshore surveillance at DFO (Appendix C) to make proposals and inform next round of bargaining.
  • Deletion of language in Appendix K which places limits on when EGs can request vacation
  • Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Occupational Group Structure (OGS) review

Common issues settlement

Two weeks ago, when we obtained a settlement for the PA group, PSAC also reached a settlement for Treasury Board issues common to all groups. Some of the key improvements include:

  • A one-time payment of $500 in recognition of the extended collective agreement implementation deadline and an additional $50 for every subsequent 90-day delay
  • Ten days of paid Domestic Violence Leave
  • Better language on return to work following a Maternity or Parental Leave, giving more flexibility to parents who wish to change positions within the federal public service.
  • Improvements to Parental Leave pay
  • Updated language to match the new legislation including a new extended leave option and the sharing of Parental Leave
  • Expanded supplementary allowance for every week an employee is on extended or shared Parental Leave
  • Additional weeks for parents covered under the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan, when both parents work in the public service.
  • New Memorandum of Understanding to explore the issues related to childcare in the public service
  • Updated and improved language to match the new legislation on Compassionate Care and Caregiving Leave
  • Better language to allow the use of employer facilities for union activities
  • New Memorandum of Understanding to protect certain working conditions of civilian members of the RCMP
  • New Memorandum of Understanding on mental health in the workplace to support the work of the Centre for Expertise on Mental Health
  • In the event of workforce adjustment, the education allowance has increased to $17,000
  • Deletion of Memorandum of Understanding on Supporting Employee Wellness. As a result, Sick Leave will remain untouched.

Full text and next steps

We will share the final text and full details of the TC group tentative agreement, and common issues agreement, as soon as it becomes available. Shortly thereafter, TC members will be invited to participate in online ratification votes. Details about the votes will be shared as soon as possible.

The PSAC bargaining team unanimously recommends the ratification of the tentative agreement. 

To ensure that you receive all updates and can participate in the ratification process, please ensure that you have either updated your contact information on PSAC’s member portal, or that you create an account if you have not done so already.

The original version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

PA, EB, TC and SV groups ratification kits, including the full text of the agreements, are now available [updated]

CIU flag with the word bargaining

PA Group

On July 9, PSAC’s PA bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with Treasury Board. The bargaining team unanimously recommends ratification of the new agreement.

The ratification kit which includes the full text of the tentative agreement is now available for download.

Members will soon be invited to participate in an online ratification process. Details will be shared as soon as they are available.

EB Group

On July 23, PSAC’s EB bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with Treasury Board. The bargaining team unanimously recommends ratification of the new agreement.

The ratification kit which includes the full text of the tentative agreement is now available for download.

Members will soon be invited to participate in an online ratification process. Details will be shared as soon as they are available.

TC Group

On July 21, PSAC’s TC bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with Treasury Board. The bargaining team unanimously recommends ratification of the new agreement.

The ratification kit which includes the full text of the tentative agreement is now available for download.

Members will soon be invited to participate in an online ratification process. Details will be shared as soon as they are available.

SV Group

On August 14, PSAC’s SV bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with Treasury Board. The bargaining team unanimously recommends ratification of the new agreement.

The ratification kit, which includes the full text of the tentative agreement, is now available for download.

Members now have the opportunity to participate in an online ratification process from August 31 to October 5.

The original version was first posted on the PSAC website: PA, EB, TC and SV.